Done Is Better Than Perfect Sticker ✨
Welcome to my collection of adventure-inspired stickers, designed to add a touch of positivity and encouragement to your everyday life.
Are you frequently caught up in the perfection trap, unable to finish tasks? Do you have big goals but get stuck in the minutia?
Well, here's a friendly reminder: "Done is Better than Perfect." This is me reminding you to take the next best step when you're trying something new or a little scary. Just relax, go with the flow, and watch amazing things happen.
Remind yourself that "Done Is Better Than Perfect" add it to your favorite water bottle, laptop, car, or stick them in the mail and remind your friends to go explore the coast with you 🌊
these stickers are made for ADVENTURE! ✨
weather proof for 5 years · dishwasher safe · made in the USA · 3in sticker
Sophia's hand-drawn, adventure-inspired sticker designs are born from a deep love for the enchanting Oregon Coast.
Key Features:
Printed on durable, premium vinyl (the gold standard material for custom stickers) with a weatherproof and UV-resistant laminate coating.
Stickers are protected from scratches, water, and sunlight damage, ensuring vibrant colors come rain or shine.
Dishwasher-proof, preventing peeling or scratching, making them ideal for water bottles.
Effective outdoor life of 5 years, ensuring long-lasting quality.