Killer Whale Sticker 🌊


Welcome to my collection of adventure-inspired stickers, designed to add a touch of positivity and the beauty of the Oregon Coast to your everyday life.

Meet the Killer Whale, AKA the Orca - I’ve literally been so fascinated by these elusive creatures. I have yet to see one, but have learned SO much from the Oregon Killer Whale monitoring program (follow them over on facebook. Literally, there’s a whole network of people that will share info on killer whale sightings, photos, video footage. And the researcher who’s in charge knows all of the killer whales in the area, their families, where they’ve been historically all that jazz).

Add the Killer Whale to your favorite water bottle, laptop, car, or stick them in the mail and remind your friends to go explore the coast with you 🌊

these stickers are made for ADVENTURE! ✨
weatherproof for 5 years · dishwasher safe · made in the USA · 3in sticker

Sophia's hand-drawn designs are born from a deep love for the enchanting beings along the Oregon Coast.

Key Features:
Printed on durable, premium vinyl (the gold standard material for custom stickers) with a weatherproof and UV-resistant laminate coating.
Stickers are protected from scratches, water, and sunlight damage, ensuring vibrant colors come rain or shine.
Dishwasher-proof, preventing peeling or scratching, making them ideal for water bottles.
Effective outdoor life of 5 years, ensuring long-lasting quality.